Cartridge filter for ABAC FP-54 filters
Original ABAC filter element for FP-54 filters to retain impurities from air compressor filters .
This filter element has the ability to remove particles in the air down to 5 µm and has an output oil aerosol concentration of 1 mg/m³.

Advantages of ABAC filters
- Purify the air of its oil / dust contamination
- Increased production and quality
- Ensure greater efficiency and reliability
- Less wear of the distribution network and equipment
- Simple design, excellent performance
- Reduction of maintenance costs
- Different cartridges with specific filtration qualities
- Higher quality of the final product
Areas of use of filters
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Food industry
- Chemical and packaging industry
- Pneumatic transport
- Industrial painting
- Control systems
- Generic tools
- Any application that uses compressed air