Electric pumps and motor pumps
If you are looking for an electric pump for autoclave or a motor pump to irrigate the vegetable garden and garden , or even pumps for drainage or spraying , swimming pools and emergency , you are in the right place!
Use the filter system for the advanced search of the electric pump or motor pump with internal combustion engine that best suits you. If you still do not know how to choose the pump or motor pump suitable for the use you need to make of it, continue reading to clarify any doubts.
Pumps and motor pumps which one to choose
How much water and how much power do I need?
When you are looking for an electric pump or a motor pump , whether it is to be used for the domestic water supply in homes, to irrigate vegetable patches and gardens or to spray in agriculture, the first questions to ask are how much water I need. ? how much power do i need?
Answering these questions is not easy, the variables to be considered in water systems are many and vary from case to case. For example, in a house or building where there will be 3 kitchens and 6 bathrooms, I will obviously need a greater range than in a house with 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom.
In order to accurately determine the most suitable pump or motor pump , in addition to the type of power supply whether electric or petrol, the main specifications to be identified are the flow rate and the head of the pump .

What is scope
The flow rate indicates the volume of water that is moved in a given period of time. This value is usually expressed in Liters per Minute (l / min) or in Cubic Meters Hour (m³ / h) .
1 m³ / h = 16.67 l / min
To correctly establish the flow rate necessary for our water system, it is necessary to know the number of taps that can be opened at the same time and to add their flow rate to obtain the total flow rate required.
For traditional domestic systems, the following values can be taken into consideration:
- Kitchen + bathroom = 1.7 m³ / h
- Kitchen + bathroom + WC = 1.8 m³ / h
- Kitchen + 2 bathrooms = 2m³ / h
- Kitchen + 3 bathrooms 2.2 m³ / h
For garden sprinklers, on the other hand, reference is made to the area of the surface to be irrigated:
- for 100 m² = 0.75 m³ / h
- for 200 m² = 1.5 m³ / h
- for 300 m² = 2.25 m³ / h
- for 400 m² = 3 m³ / h

To give an example, assuming you need to identify the water flow rate required for a house with 1 kitchen and 2 bathrooms with 200m² of garden:
1 KITCHEN + 2 BATHROOMS + 200 m² = 2 m³ / h + 1.5 m³ / h = 3.5 m³ / h = 50 liters / min
Now that we know what capacity our system needs, we can move on to the second fundamental data to choose the most suitable pump.
The prevalence of the pumps
The head is the difference in level (indicated in meters) between the level of the water sucked by the pump and the level of the pumped water.
The drawing clearly explains what is meant by prevalence:
Now that we have clarified the meaning of flow rate and head, we can read the technical data sheet of the pump where we will find the performance curves that indicate the real performance of the pump. Let's see an example:
To use a pump at its best, it is strongly recommended to keep the relationship between head and flow rate in the center of the diagram.
Centrifuge and Volumetric what's the difference
Centrifugal pumps are the most common in the most diverse sectors, in a vast field of industrial and civil applications due to their characteristics, including:
- they are of simple construction and various materials such as PPO, Noryl, INOX etc. can be used.
- they deliver a constant flow rate and can work at high rotation speeds thus reducing the size;
- they can carry liquids containing suspended solids;
- they show maximum efficiency only in a limited range of the characteristic curve;
- they can work without damage even with the delivery valve closed;
- best value for money
However, centrifugal pumps are not suitable for transporting very viscous liquids, and it is precisely in these cases that the positive displacement pumps come into play.
There are different types of volumetric pumps, each with different properties, for example some pumps guarantee higher pressures for the same power, others instead higher flow rates. There are types of pumps more suitable for treating solid bodies of considerable size, others more suitable for aggressive fluids, etc.
Now that you have the basics to evaluate which pump is right for you, use the filter system at the top of the page or browse the categories below to be able to choose from more than 70 models in the catalog. If you still have doubts, do not hesitate to contact us, our pump and motor pump experts will be able to help you in your choice!
Best Sellers

Flanged Monobloc Centrifugal Electric Pump
1200 L/min - Prevalenza 72 m
Ø 1"÷1" 1/2 - 1" 1/2÷2" 1/4

Multistage Vertical Pump
150 L/min - Head 105 m
Ø G1" ÷ G1" 1/2

Hyundai 35603T
Motopompa Autoadescante 2 HP
116 L/min - Prevalenza 34 m
Ø 1"

Leo LKS1102SE
Electronic Submersible Pump
92 L / min - Head 45 m
PPO impellers - Automatic start

Leo ACm / AC 2
Single impeller centrifugal electric pump
500 L/min - Head 22 m
Ø 2" - 2"

Speroni CAM / CA 152
Self-priming electric pump for irrigation
150 L/min - Head 45 m
Ø 1" 1/4 - 1"

Annovi Reverberi ARGP 1100XB
Pump With Autoclave
76 L/min - Prevalence 45 m
Ø 1'' - 1''

Submersible Electric Pump for Dirty Water Drainage
LSWm150CA LSWm100CA...
250÷300 L/min - Prevalence 13÷15.5 m
Ø G2